Update Aug 4, 2021: After negotiations with seller and encouragement from the community, city bought 2-acre parcel for $1.65 million.

Last updated: Oct 2, 2020
Over 70 Lake Oswego residents attended the rally on Monday, Sept 21, and at least 69 residents used our email template to express their support to City Council. Even more residents sent email directly to City Council.
Over 75% of the 69 residents included a personal comment emphasizing why this natural area must be preserved. Here are those comments showing broad support across our city!
“Mature trees and open space make our committee so wonderful.” -Glenmorrie Resident
“SAVE THE TREES!! ” -Glenmorrie resident
“We need MORE not LESS nature and natural areas in LO. Please think of the legacy of protecting these places. ” -Blue Hereon resident
“Our natural parks are what make LO such a gem. We must do everything in our power to preserve the green spaces to provide respite and escape for future generations to come.” -Forest Highlands resident
“One of the reasons we moved to LO 3 years ago is because of the old trees and natural areas. We don’t need more expensive houses.” -Hallinan Heights resident
“please think of LO long term not for immediate profit.” -Blue Heron resident
“Preserve our parks.” -Palisades resident
“City Council needs to realize that LO is more than just the lake (that the majority of its citizens cannot access for recreational boating)! Such a disappointment!!! Greed should not be allowed to destroy what really makes Lake Oswego such a desirable place to live!” -Palisades resident
“Although we live in Glenmorrie, we are right next door to Hallinan and within a short walk to the Yates Property. There are more than enough homes going up in the neighborhood. We need to preserve our natural habitats and parkland and our beautiful trees. That is, after all, what attracted us to Lake Oswego! Please concentrate on attracting more cool shops and eateries downtown, rather than razing our beautiful town and selling it to developers who want to destroy what makes Lake Oswego so appealing. Thank you.” -Glenmorrie resident
“Please preserve the home of local wildlife and keep our neighborhoods green and beautiful. The wooded areas are what makes living here so special.” -Skylands resident
“With all the devastation to wildlife and nature with global warming we need to protect and defend our parks and natural areas” -Blue Heron resident
“As a resident of Lake Oswego for over 50 years, one of the things I most admire about the city are the many mature, older trees in our natural parks, individual residences and special places like Hallinan Woods. Houses can be replaced, mature trees cannot. Please use your power to save Hallinan Woods as a natural habitat for all to enjoy.” -McVey-Southshore resident
“The higher and higher density is ruining our city. Once this property is void of trees and built upon, it’s gone.” -Bryant resident
“I was at the Rally yesterday to support Hallinan wood. I’m a supporter of keeping Cooks Bute as a natural park. I fought during 3 years to keep a protected area against a development… but the mayor , Mr. LaMotte and 3 other councilors overrided the DRC committee’s decision (LU 17-0065).” -Palisades resident
“The voters of LO want to protect natural areas as evident by the parks bond that was passed in 2019. It is up to the council to make a fair offer for this property to protect Hallinan Woods from the removal of more than 100 trees.” -Hallinan Heights resident
“I think our big trees make our Lake Oswego neighborhoods so magical. Without them, the character of our town will really change for the worse.” -North Shore-Country Club resident
“Hallinan Woods is why we moved to this neighborhood as we’re only a block away and we walk through there every single day. To have all those trees be taken out to build more homes would be such a tragedy.” -Hallinan Heights resident
“The reason we love LO is all the natural parks to enjoy” -Lake Grove resident
“As a resident of the Glenmorrie neighborhood who frequently walks through Hallinan Woods I strongly encourage the Council to preserve this special property. Entering the woods is an nature immersive experience; you are immediately surrounded by quiet with the exception of birdsong. We have lost too much habitat and forest in this area to development. Please spend the parks bond money as it was intended; the opportunity for a bargain price on this lot is long gone.” -Glenmorrie resident
“Please preserve the naturall character of LO and represent the wishes of ALL citizens” -Blue Heron resident
“Please keep this natural green space.” -Hallinan resident
“Please keep Hallinan and all Lake Oswego natural areas natural. It would be incredibly sad for large homes to be built on Halinan land. Our trees is what makes Lake Oswego unique and beautiful! Overdevelopment will be our own demise.” -Palisades resident
“We need more parks, less development.” -Evergreen resident
“We don’t need anymore McMansions in LO. Preserve land.” -Palisades resident
“I urge the city of Lake Oswego to help protect this land from development! It’s pockets of natural lands like Hallinan Woods that make Lake Oswego so special! THIS IS WHY WE LIVE HERE!” -Palisades resident
“Now, is the time to take bold action. Make a reasonable offer for this property to secure the transaction and leave a timeless legacy for this city’s citizens.” -Palisades resident
“Please preserve this natural area as a place for my children to explore nature. Our future generations will thank you.” -Westridge resident
“The citizens have observed a mass clearing of the precious tree canopy recently in favor of UNaffordable housing. This unique feature of our city is not replaceable.” -Bryant resident
“There are so few remaining green areas. Please save this for us, our children and theirs. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Thank you.” -Hallinan resident
“Recent wildfires have shown us the devastating effects of climate change. Now more than ever mature green trees are needed to contribute to a healthy environment for the future generations of LO residents now growing up!” -Bryant resident
“The majority of LO residents live here because of our beautiful tree canopy and access to natural areas” -Blue Heron
“This is a fabulous opportunity for LO to expand our Natural areas in a much needed location!” -Palisades resident
“Our natural area parks are very special, important to wildlife and humans. Lake Oswego is fortunate to have them. Let’s keep it that way!” -Palisades resident
“The majority of LO residents live here because of our beautiful tree canopy and access to natural areas” -Blue Heron resident
“More houses/traffic add nothing to the unique livability of Lake Oswego. I use LO parks everyday. Now more than ever with unprecedented stresses on Physical and mental health we need these natural spaces.” -Westridge resident
“I was part of the first first grade class at Hallinan. It was magical to have the woods right there. When my husband and I moved back to Oregon we picked Lake Oswego because of beautiful parks and natural spaces. Please expand Hallinan woods so my children can too experience that magic.” -Glenmorrie resident
“Use the bond money!!!” -Lake Grove resident
“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and to ignore this opportunity shows an unwillingness to protect the natural environment and the character of Lake Oswego.” -Bryant resident
“This area is truly one of the most beautiful and eco healthy spots in the world. Having lived in 14 different countries, 19 different cities, I know this first hand.” -Palisades resident
“Please keep Lake Oswego natural. What makes Lake Oswego special are the trees and natural habitat. Keep it special and keep this area natural. Thank you.” -Palisades resident
“I use the area daily as a beautiful respite from all the problems we face. Such a gem. Please let the neighborhood keep this wonderful spot.” -McVey-South Shore resident
“Please conserve our natural spaces!” -Lake Forest resident
“Now, more than ever, we need to preserve these trees.” -McVey-South Shore resident
“The Woods are a beautiful respite and humans and other organisms NEED these natural areas. Expand Hallinan Woods.” -Lake Grove resident
“I walk the little Hallinan trail daily with my Aussie. This little gem is a favorite for area children who see it as an adventure area. I have seen them playing, searching the creek and watching the wildlife. The area has a family of deer, rabbits, tree frogs, and many avian species. Saving this little area will also create a unique opportunity for Hallinan to develop an early environmental science program, who knows what kind is leaders it could launch.
One last word, LO City Council had this same decision to make back in the early ‘70s with Freepons Park. Many families in the Freepons neighborhood Banded together to urge the then city council to purchase the field and woods instead of having it purchased by a developer and having apartments built. I was about 10 or 11 at the time and to this day am grateful to my parents and all the other parents who worked with the city to make that happen. This is your chance leave a legacy for your council team. I urge you to choose to leave this green space. In years to come it will mean more than you know.” -McVey-South Shore resident
“We need to preserve our natural spaces in LO. We do not need anymore homes to be built. Please step up and do the right thing for our entire community!” -Westridge resident