Stevens Meadow: NO on Measure 3-618

In this November’s election, Lake Oswego’s voters have a choice to continue charter protections for the Stevens Meadow Nature Preserve OR to authorize the City of Lake Oswego to give 0.4 acres, including the removal of several significant fir trees and the surrounding vegetation wildlife call home, to Clackamas County for the Stafford road improvement project.

The LoveLOPark’s Steering Committee is not convinced the County considered any design modifications nor other viable traffic solutions to avoid the charter-protected Stevens Meadow since sharing their final designs with the public. Chapter X protections have existed for over 2 years (since November 2021) well before the County’s designs were finalized — there’s no evidence the County attempted to avoid, nor the did the City attempt to influence avoiding, the nature preserve during these 2+ years of design and planning. This is a pattern seen time and again — plans are finalized, the public is informed and offers critical feedback, and planners refuse to alter course. And, this is promoted as good citizen involvement?

Our community fought hard to “Protect Our Natural Parks” in our City’s Charter. It’s a false choice to argue it’s the “environment OR safety.” The culture must change and we must encourage planners to recognize both are achievable…it’s the “environment AND safety.” It’s also irresponsible for the County to give voters an ultimatum for such an important safety project of this magnitude. There are options that avoid the Stevens Meadow Nature Preserve; the County must revisit their design to accommodate what voters have protected by law.

The LoveLOParks Steering Committee is voting “NO” on Measure 3-618.

Consider joining the conversation on NextDoor to share your perspective with our community. Here is one concerned neighbor’s post: