Concrete and asphalt are not the only ways to make an ADA trail

My young adult kids have mobility issues and sometimes they use wheelchairs.  Measure 3-568 does NOT conflict with Federal ADA Laws in any manner whatsoever. Measure 3-568, which I fully support, was written by Citizens to ensure Natural Parks would be protected and saved for future generations to enjoy.   

I’m outraged by those who exploit the compassion of others to undermine a good and just cause.  Recognizing that Measure 3-568 was overwhelmingly supported by LO Voters, city officials quickly crafted a competing measure in order to implement future development in our Natural Parks at some future point.   

Supporters of the city measure are making a false claim.  Because Citizens Measure 3-568 prohibits the use of concrete and asphalt trails, they maintain that this goes against ADA law.  This claim is false. They omit the fact that ADA trails can be made of other natural materials.  The Federal Outdoor Guide, page 15, clearly states this fact:

To those of you who are weaponizing ADA laws, you are a shameful bunch and your methods impart dishonesty.   To those who seek to honorably protect ADA laws, please know that there are many different ways to construct an ADA trail in a natural area.  I appreciate your humanity and love for nature.  

Isabel Sturman
Lake Oswego