Weds, May 20, 2020 @ 9:00AM: Clackamas 800 Radio Group Board Meeting

WHAT: Clackamas 800 Radio Group Board Meeting

WHEN: Wednesday, May 20th @ 9:00AM

WHERE: Teleconference Only Meeting

DIAL IN: 800-704-9804 / Access Code: 345832#


  • Agenda Packet
    • Project Status New Sites Summary
      • West Linn: ODOT authorized site access for Geotech which has been completed. Anticipate land use submittal by 5/15 and building department submittal by 5/29.
      • Kerr Parkway Water Tank: Researching alternative locations.
    • Meeting Minutes of the March 18, 2020 Meeting
      • System Upgrade/Replacement – Project Status
        • Bjorn shared that they were still waiting for a response from ODOT on the West Linn site. He explained they had an internal push with the wireless group. He hoped to hear something in the following week.