Debbie Craig, 1008 Spruce Street
Ms. Craig said she and a number of her neighbors were present to urge City Council to remember Hallinan Woods as they considered renewing the upcoming bonds. She also believed there was strong support throughout the city for the Hallinan Woods project regarding the block of property behind Hallinan School.
Sarah Ellison, 208 Ash Street
Ms. Ellison, Acting Chair, Hallinan Heights Neighborhood Association and members of the Coalition for Hallinan Woods Nature Park, stated the Association supported the Park’s Board’s recommendation that the City purchase the two-acre parcel adjacent to Hallinan Woods to. She described the process of raising funds and support over the past six years for expanding the nature park. City Council would vote tonight to finalize approval to develop the property into a six- lot subdivision. The Coalition was grateful that Council voted to require removal of the fence separating the existing park from the private property’s protected riparian area as a condition of approval. However, the community continued to advocate expanding the park by two acres. In light of today’s anticipated approval of the property’s development application, the matter was urgent and they hoped Council would discuss the Park Board’ s recommendation to make a viable offer on the property at the next City Council meeting.
Jan Castle, 16181 Parelius Circle
Ms. Castle Chair, McVey-South Shore Neighborhood Association, agreed that once the 1107 Yates Street application for a six-lot subdivision was approved, development could start right away or another offer could be received. She hoped Council would discuss how the property could be acquired by the City and find a solution that worked for the Coalition for Hallinan Woods Nature Park, the neighborhood, and owners of the property.
Chip Corbett, 1040 Upper Devon Lane
Mr. Corbett stated he and his wife were new to the area and he wished to speak for the trees. The Hallinan Woods Committee was very interested in keeping the woods open and he supported adding the proposal to acquire the two-acre property as a line item at the next Council meeting.
Dave Beckett, 17738 Kelok Road
Mr. Beckett stated that in his experience serving on the Three Rivers Land Conservancy Board, it was very difficult to acquire new, natural areas. Hallinan Woods could be easily expanded by two acres. It would not be a substantial burden on the City because it was adjacent to property already maintained by the City. As a Budget Committee member for several years, he was very conscious conserving money and choosing priorities carefully. Purchasing these two acres should be a priority. He implored the Council to acquire the property and let it become a natural area.
9.4 Findings, Conclusions and Order, Appeal of a Development Review Commission Decision on a Request for Approval of a Six- lot Subdivision and Modification of Delineated RP District at 1107 Yates Street ( LU 17- 0084/ AP 18- 08)
Report and Attachment
Mr. Powell provided the background regarding the appeal, noting that on October 30th, Council affirmed the DRC’ s September 24, 2018 decision to approve the six- lot subdivision and to grant some tree- cutting permits. Council also agreed with the DRC’ s denial of the request to reduce the Resource Protection District. The only condition added by Council regarded the permanent removal of a chain-link fence along the perimeter of the open space tract. New Condition of Approval ( D.4) required the Applicant to remove the chain- link fence along the southern and eastern perimeter of the open space tract, the portion abutting Hallinan Woods, the park and natural space area, and required that the area would remain permanently unfenced, as well as the interior of the open space, which had not been specified in the tentative motion. Nothing would prevent property owners from having fences along the borders of Lots 4, 5, and 6 around the stormwater facility. Staff recommended approval.
Mayor Kent Studebaker moved to approve LU 17-0084. Joe Buck seconded the motion. A roll call vote was held, and the motion passed with Mayor Kent Studebaker, Jeff Gudman, Skip O’ Neill, and Joe Buck voting ‘ aye.’ Theresa Kohlhoff, Jackie Manz, and John LaMotte voted ‘ no.’ (4-3)