Voters deserve the facts

Did you receiving a text on behalf of Measure 3-575 this week asking to support a citizen-guided initiative to preserve our parks? I experienced a moment of doubt. Of course I believe that the protection of our vulnerable park lands should be decided upon by LO citizens. Our natural parks provide much needed respite to so many of us, yet they remain in jeopardy of future development without stronger protections. 

Upon further review, I realized this text was sent to deliberately spawn confusion. I believe in transparency. I believe all LO citizens should have a voice if our natural park lands are to be developed. But Measure 3-575 was NOT a citizen-led initiative. Only Measure 3-568 is the result of a lengthy citizen petition effort. We, as voters, deserve to be provided with factual information to make the best choices for our public parks.

Only Measure 3-368 is endorsed by both the Sierra Club and Oregon Wild, and is the only one of these two disparate initiatives that empowers voters to decide any future development in our public natural parks. Measure 3-575’s misinformation campaign is disrespectful to our community and all who worked hard bringing Measure 3-568 to voters. The truth does and should matter. YES on 3-568. 

Nancy Fleming
Lake Oswego 

With Nancy Fleming’s permission, we have reproduced her Reader Letter for your convenience and for those who don’t subscribe to the LO Review. Read her letter in the LO Review here:

October 20, 2021

October 27, 2021
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