We can’t trust the City of LO to protect our natural parks. Three times since 1993 the City has tried to build a large communications tower in Cooks Butte Park. Our community was there each time to protect this natural habitat as grantors John and Marjorie Emery intended it to remain. They explicitly granted this 42 acres as a natural park under the condition it remain free of future commercial development and it stay “forever wild.”
Measure 3-568 is more than just Cooks Butte. It addresses concerns neighbors across LO shared for their neighborhood natural parks.
City Council’s opposing measure won’t protect our natural parks; furthermore, their measure is vague, filled with loopholes, and moves park definitions out of the charter and into ordinances which risk future development. And, it’s funded by developers. We must protect these natural spaces before they’re gone.
3-568 is more precise and focused on leaving our natural parks alone. It allows for good stewardship including tree thinning and fire mitigation. It allows benches, trails, boardwalks, and ADA access. It’s led and funded by citizens for citizens.
Our natural parks should be protected and stay free from exploitation and development by LO politicians. Our parks need your help!
Vote YES on Measure 3-568 and NO on Measure 3-575.
Brad Home
Lake Oswego
With Brad Home’s permission, we have reproduced her Reader Letter for your convenience and for those who don’t subscribe to the LO Review. Read his letter in the LO Review here: